Almost all YoupiPaint functions can be accessed using keyboard shortcuts.

To change the shortcuts:

Select Edit Menu > Settings

Select the Shortcuts category

To change the shortcut assigned to a function:

Select the function you want to modify in the table and click on the Modify button

Or double click on the function to modify

In the edit dialog, tap the key combination that you want to assign.

The shortcut is automatically displayed.

Click Ok

If the combination you have chosen is already assigned to another function, a warning dialog is displayed.

In this case, if you validate, the shortcut is removed from the original function and then assigned to the function you modified.

Default Button

Resets the shortcut to its default value.

Reset Button

Resets the shortcut to its last saved value.

Ok Button

Assigns the new shortcut to the function.

Cancel button

Abort without changing the shortcut.

Reset Button

Resets the shortcut to its default value.

Reset All button

Resets all shortcuts to their default values.

Copy button

Copies the table of functions with an assigned shortcut to the clipboard. Useful for printing a summary of function keys.