The brush tool allows you to draw and paint on the layer in use. YoupiPaint provides a wide variety of pencils and brushes to simulate painting and drawing techniques.

To perform a stroke:

Select the brush tool from the main menu bar

Select a brush in the brush panel

Click the current layer, move the mouse or stylus, release the mouse.

To change the radius of the brush in progress:

Press the Alt key and rotate the mouse wheel forward to increase the radius

Press the Alt key and rotate the mouse wheel backward to decrease the radius

When changing the radius, a temporary message is displayed to indicate the value of the new radius.

To draw lines:

Press the Control key simultaneously by clicking on the layer to define the starting point of the line

Move the mouse to set the end point of the line

Click on the layer again to finish the line

To select an area:

Simultaneously press the Shift key by clicking on the area to be delimited.

The area is selected using the parameters of the Magic Wand tool

The Brush Toolbar


Erase mode: by clicking on this button, the brush is transformed into an eraser.

Fill the selection. If a selection is active, fills the selection with the color of the brush.

Outline of the selection. If a selection is active, draw a line on the outline of the selection with the brush and the current color.

Blocking of control points. Blocks the movement of the control points of the symmetry and perspective tools.

Resets the brush settings to their default values.

Follow the path

If a selection is active and this option is checked, the brush stroke automatically follows the contours of the selection.